Hello Stalker! Im Anis Aisyah , Shortform , Anisah ! and im 15 years young from Earth. Follow me taww !! Jangan lupa tinggalkan kata2 di cbox tu ! ♪ MyTips ♫ MyVVIPs ♪ MyStory Design by : Nurin H.(mygurlz). Basecodes : Husnaa. 0ther : <3 | <3 Ezze header: Ezze
| A Great Moment
Sunday, 21 December 2014 | 04:48 | 0 Stalker(s)
Seriously i feel very happy and i cant forget this moments forever,
Yesterday, i went to the National Stadium Bukit Jalil to watch the football match,
Since in the train, we berhimpit-himpit and it was very crowded,
But we still can laugh when there's a group of guys buat lawak
But i just keep smiling , Eceeeeeeeh .
When we reached at the Bukit Jalil station everybody say "Woooooooooooo"
Can you feel it? When kita bersesak dengan ramai orang dlm LRT for
along journey station and bile keluar rasa lega sangat-sangat .
Tapi , tak lega lagi because kena bersesak-sesak dengan 90,000 orang dekat situ!
Oh My God, seriously i feel very small because i looked all the people like ants!
Ants with yellow black shirt and their colourful head and scarfs .
In the stadium all the people sing together sambil paut bahu and lompat-lompat ,
They sang Malaysia sehati sejiwa jiwa , Ayuh Malaysia and others yang i forget the lirics,
But i tak join lah nak lompat lompat tu, i just duduk and watching them and clapped my hands,
Very nice lahh because i really really feel the united of Malaysian,
I salute to the ULTRAS MALAYA because even kita kalah they still nyanyi ,
and to the abang-abang yang pukul gendang i wanna say Good Job! Really good!
They're very sporting and the people sang together and clapped their hands together,
Tak tergambar perasaan datang situ because i feel the spirits and i thought thats why
harimau Malaya dapat rembat many goals even tak menang but they played well for me!
Then, after the match over , memang tak tahan nak redah sambil bertolak-tolakan
dalam keadaan yang sangat pack utk ke LRT . My God ,, rasa nak pengsan jer!
So kiteorang decide utk balik naik train pukul 12 , lepas tu sampai masjid jamek
semua orang jerit-jerit " last train last train " so memang berlari lahh semua orang,
In the train memang kena berdiri jelahh sebab dah penuh since nak pergi sampai balik,
Hohohoh, sedih giler tak dapat duduk. Dapat tu dapat tapi kalo setakat lagi 3
station nak sampai rumah memang tak payah la kan .
But apa pun yang terjadi this is my great moments in my life because this's my first ,
My abah mak and along dah pernah banyak kali ,
After this dah pesan dekat abah tak nak pergi lagi sebab tak lalu nak hadap orang yang banyak
tapi dah pasang angan-angan nak pergi bakal suri teman hidup , hohohoho , gatai!
Insha Allah kalau ade umur panjang la ,
So, habes dahh nak cerita sebab kalau nak cerita semua yang berlaku memang
tak menang tangan la nak menulis semuanya dan i'm not too rajin untuk menulis ,
So, sekarang nie dah start berdebar utk result esok!
I just leave it to Allah and I trust Allah from the deepest part of my soul .
See you later!
Maybe sebab ramai yang tak solat Maghrib semalam kat stadium sebab tu Allah tak bagi kita kemenangan , kot ?